In order to stay more organized and to not get off track I have constructed a road map for the projects ahead. I will be doing some of them concurrently and I will try my best to stick with the road map and not get off track! The plan for the computers I will be creating will alternate between creating a computer focused on the CPU design designated CPU-#, and then creating a computer focused on the rest of the system's design with a commercial CPU (z80, 8085, 8086, etc.) designated System-#.
1. Debug/Complete 4 Bit computer (CPU-1)
2. Start working on Z80 based system in tandem (System-1)
3. Assembly language programming for CPU-1
4. Finish System-1
5. Create terminal for all projects (Wheelwriter teletype)
6. Upgrade System 1 to a CP/M capable system
7. Start CPU-2 Design (Am2900 series bit slice)
8. Start System-2 Design (X86 Based, possibly using NEC V20)